thank you so much!

Thank you very much:
Alfonso Hüppi / for your fateful invitation into the Museum in the Bush and your grandheart cosmopolitanism / without you we might never have come to Africa.
Erwin Gebert from Etaneno Farm / for your hospitality, precious farmtools and our serious arguments.
Holger Bunk / without you, the Primary Schoolgarden might not exist, because you led us to Miss Matilda and you are supporting the school since 2003 until now.
Our son Johnny / for your basic trust in us and in this work / we will never forget how faithful  you’ve been working on the compost (as if there are no snakes) when you visited the school for your first time, aged eleven.
Carla and Andi / for the many beautiful fruit trees.
Michi / for the first garden tools.
Our godson Hugo / for a wheelbarrow and a garden hose.
Stefan, Paul, Svea and Johnny / for the action “drinking for Africa”, which enriched the garden with a 5000 liter rainwater tank.
Doris and Peter, for the most beautiful sunsets, the most delicious meals and the feeling of being at home in the middle of the wilderness.
And to our farmer Heiko Becker, for his patient and loving support with even the most stupid questions, for wonderful farm tours and of course for the one or other jackal!
Family Cotze from the Roidina Lodge / for many large and small care packages.
Joe Maier / for 500 spoons, all the kitchen utilities and 1000 advices.
Stefan Völker / for this great website and the everlasting optimism.
Pia / for the beautiful words.
Svea / for the nice translation.
Summertime / for the outfit.
Alexa / for her great commitment to Inner Wheel, which means that our vision of building a schoolhall suddenly becomes real quite quickly.
Marius Klages and the whole team of Zahlenwerk/ for knowledge, advice, action and infinite patience in all our tax issues and concerns.
Regula and Fredy Lienhard / for generous, generous and recurring support.
Peter Friedli and Noldi Stettbacher / for their generous help in technical support.
Stefan / for his great big heard and never-ending assistance.
Michael / for the “pin with a head” as a start of the construction of the school hall.
The one and only Founder Olivia M. Weber (sel.) of the Light Dimension Foundation for new Dimensional Consciousness / for food, warmth and appreciation for life in peace and respect.
Wolfgang and the HPZ / for the spontaneous help.
Fly & Help with EduCare / for generously supporting the construction of three new classrooms.

Our families and our many friends / who never get tired of listening, thinking, giving their hearts and their money.

And last but absolutely not least / EVERYONE who took our calls for donations for the aid deliveries during Corona time to heart. Thanks for your support of flour, soap and hope, that could be given to the families in need – during this difficult time!

A very special thanks to our public supporters:
Foundation Kunstfonds Bonn, Germany
Kulturlandgemeinde AR, Switzerland
Kulturstiftung des Bundes, Germany