in future

In the near future we will continue to assist the primary school, provide necessary support in close consultation, plan garden updates, hold joint sowing workshops, renovate toilets, build shade roofs, help out with the school feeding program, prune fruit trees and organize confidence-building girls’ talks. We also have two other major tasks ahead of us: the Go Beam Kindergarden with the Go Beam Academy and the vision of the worldwide “turning garden”.

For the more distant future, we have further resilience-promoting visions that, when implemented in interdisciplinary cooperation, should improve the living conditions of children and young people in Africa.

At the beginning of 2025, we would like to set up a farm kindergarten for 40 children aged two to four in cooperation with our farmer Heiko Becker. With a small health initiative, we would like to give young women the opportunity to become independent self-care and will travel to Otumborombonga. Perhaps a small primary school is needed there.

It remains very exciting and so we will not stop pursuing and implementing our vision of the worldwide “turning garden”.